Climate infrastructure resilience platform
- Built and maintained user- and customer-facing web apps (React, TanStack Query; Vue, Vuex; TypeScript)
- Implemented end-to-end testing (Playwright)
- Deployed web/native apps to iOS and Android app stores (Ionic Capacitor)
- Managed front-end infrastructure (GitHub Actions, Netlify)
Online e-reader for college textbooks
- Maintained a large single-page app (Ember, Custom Elements, JavaScript)
- Trained in accessibility (Deque)
- Mentored junior developers
San Francisco, CA2016–2019Civic crowdfunding platform
- Roadmapped and implemented code migration from jQuery to Vue.js
- Introduced dependency management and build system (NPM, Webpack)
- Introduced integration testing (Selenium WebDriver)
- Maintained static HTML templates (Laravel, PHP)
The Zooniverse online citizen science platform
- Steered the architecture of our SaaS platform (React, Node.js)
- Designed and implemented web-based image annotation interfaces (Backbone, jQuery, SVG, CoffeeScript)
- Created and maintained open source libraries for vector image editing
- Collaborated with a wide variety of external research teams
SaaS platform for the life science industry
- Started out in a UX design role, transitioned to first dedicated front-end developer
- Modular UX components (Dojo Toolkit, RequireJS)
- Wrote and maintained static HTML templates (JSP)
Wagner/Donovan Design
Chicago, IL2006–2008Print and interactive design agency
- Designed and made press-ready printed materials (Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Ilustrator)
- Designed and implemented websites (HTML, CSS, jQuery, PHP, MySQL).
Columbia College Chicago
Chicago, ILBFA in graphic design
- GitHub
- https://github.com/brian-c